The Bracers of Bodvar Bjarki

Cat-ID:0028 “The Bracers of Bodvar Bjarki”

Found:1907. Llanfyllin, Wales, UK.

Addit:Ethereal energy channelling totem.

These bracers were secured following an investigation that took place in Llanfyllin in Wales, England.

Legend has it that Bodvar Bjarki followed the Berserkrgang (way of the Bear shirt) and was one of the greatest Berserker warriors of King Rholf Kraki. The exploits of Bodvar Bjarki are noted in the saga of Rholf Kraki, being part of the Skjoldunga saga which pre-dates the fall of the Roman empire.

It is said that, in the King’s final battle, Bodvar was absent from the field for a great deal of the time. Just as all seemed lost, a great bear appeared on the field and tore into the enemy ranks, slaying men and horses as it went. When one of the King’s men found Bodvar in his tent in a meditative state, he roused him. As soon as Bodvar’s eyes opened, the great bear disappeared.
