The Egyptian Ankh

Cat-ID:0061 “The Egyptian Ankh”

Found:1915. Naunhof, Germany.

Addit:Key mechanism for interdimensional portal device.

This artefact was recovered during a mission into Germany. It is believed to be the key or activation lever for an interdimensional travel device that has been missing since 1915.
The artefact appears to be made predominately from brass, copper and steel. It also incorporates several crystals of unknown origin. Each crystal emits an individual energy signature that has, so far, proven difficult to identify.
The artefact was discovered in a large body of water after the interdimensional travel device went missing. Although it had only been missing for a matter of days, the Ankh artefact gave the reappearance of being in the water for decades. It has since been restored to the best of the museum’s ability.
