The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh

Cat-ID: “The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh”



This fountain was produced for the Chagford Filmmaking Group in 2009 by myself and Armorel Hamilton, from initial concept sketches produced by Alan Lee.
The fountain was built mostly of carved foam over a wooden frame around a plastic pool. There is an off-screen, gravity-fed water supply that produces a constant trickle from the statue’s mouth. The main construction and carving were performed by me, the painting and finishing of the piece was the work of Armorel.
Many challenges were faced and overcome in the construction of this piece.
The Castle Key was designed and built by me. This one-off prop was constructed from plastic with many pieces of small sculpted detail before being painted to resemble antique bronze.
